irrigation projectYou can end up with brown patches in your lawn when sprinklers do not cover the entire area of your landscape efficiently. Review this recent Florida project completed allowing an existing irrigation system to cover the landscape evenly.

When an Orlando customer called us to inspect this irrigation system, it was in a poor state needing repair. The landscaping was dying due to poor condition of the existing irrigation system. Brown spots formed because the sprinklers did not cover the area evenly and were missing spots.

We refurbished the irrigation system by replacing any broken or leaking sprinkler heads, then we added and moved the sprinkler heads as appropriate to provide proper coverage. Respacing all of the sprinkler heads allows a better coverage of the landscape.

The result is a more effecient sprinkler system with correct head to head coverage in order to support the turf and landscaping.

Contact us today for an estimate to refurbish the sprinkler heads and irrigation system for your Orlando area home or business. If you have brown patches in your lawn, you may want to consider refurbishing your existing irrigation system before it is too late. Call 407-302-2227 in Central Florida  to get a quote from an irrigation sprinkler system company who is fully licensed, bonded and insured with over 32 years experience.