Welcome to the Hessenauer Sprinkler Repair and Irrigation blog and website. We like to inform our online readers about sprinkler irrigation here in Orlando and the Central Florida area. Today we would like to discuss troubleshooting irrigation problems before they become an issue.
Excessive use of water, or large jumps from your normal usage can sometimes be an indication of irrigation problems. Over-watering, inappropriate scheduling, malfunctioning equipment and broken water lines can all lead to an unnecessary overuse of water.
However, in many cases it can be easy to blame the sprinkler system when another water usage problem may exist. Here is a simple check list to help determine if the sprinkler system may be the culprit.
One of the first things you can do is check the watering program. Make sure it is set up properly and nobody has re-adjusted the watering schedule. Some controllers allow for extended watering cycles designed for drip irrigation so it is possible to water one zone for many hours.
Take a walk around the yard and look for potential issues. Check for wet spots and excessive dampness in any low areas where water is collecting. Perhaps there may be signs of erosion or holes due to a broken pipe. To solve water accumulation problems, consider locating the runoff points of your irrigation system that need to drain to some type of gutter. Hessenauer has over 30 years experience. We can help.
Operate the system and troubleshoot for problems that occur while water is flowing. Walk around the property and look for geysers or water bubbling out from under sprinkler heads. This could mean that there is a breakage underground.
Finally, call your irrigation contractor. If you have located a broken pipe or sprinkler in your walk through, notify the service technician. Your contractor can always provide a more thorough check of the system and let you know if the system is causing excessive water use. Hessenauer Sprinkler repair and irrigation provides Central Florida with sprinkler irrigation services for over 30 years, leaving a wake of happy customers. If you are in the area and have sprinkler irrigation issues or a project to tackle, contact us today at 407-302-2227 for an estimate.