checklistWhen summer arrives and sprinkler irrigation systems are going to be in full force, it is important to take a few steps to avoid damage to pipes or irrigation components. It is better to be safe than sorry, and it is always best to hire a professional contractor.

To assure an efficiently running irrigation system, discover the benefits of being familiar with the parts and functions. Review our summer start up system checklist for things to consider during these hottest of summer months to come.

Open the system main water valve slowly to allow pipes to fill with water gradually to avoid causing damage to the pipes such as cracking or bursting.

Verify the proper operation of each station valve by manually activating all zones from the controller.

Walk through each station on the controller and check that the zones are functioning properly. Lines should have proper pressure, rotation and adequate coverage. Check and clean filters on poorly operating sprinklers and adjust heads for even watering.

Reprogram the controller for automatic watering. Replace the controller back-up battery if necessary, and uncover and clean the system weather sensor, if applicable.

It is always best to hire a qualified professional contractor when performing sprinkler and irrigation tasks. Bookmark our blog and website for more news, tips and advice concerning commercial and residential sprinkler irrigation systems here in Central Florida, Orlando and surrounding communities.

We would like to help with any irrigation system installations, service or repair. If you are in the Central Florida area and need assistance with existing irrigation system issues, contact us at 407-302-2227 today. We have the tools and equipment to handle most sprinkler irrigation problems on the spot and have been serving this area for almost 35 years. Our team is licensed, bonded and insured and are here to help. Again, thank you for stopping by and come back soon!