When choosing an irrigation controller for our clients, a few options are taken into consideration. The number of zones or “stations” determines which type of irrigation controller would be the most appropriate. Some irrigation controllers can access as many as 48 irrigation zones and more.
Some smart irrigation controllers claim simplicity and precision. At Hessenauer Sprinkler Repair and Irrigation, our team offers quality parts and equipment such as Rainbird, Hunter, Irritrol and Berkeley which will provide years of outstanding reliability. We like to offer our customers the irrigation controllers that provide programming simplicity with optimum control.
We like to provide our clients with irrigation controllers designed with ease of use in mind. We are happy when the end-users can operate their irrigation system without the need for instructions from the installer. Zone based set up that is easier to understand by untrained users. Simple graphic based user interface is easy to explain and presents every controller feature at your fingertips.
Some high-end Rainbird products combine powerful flow management and water saving features with real-time adjustments to the irrigation schedule based on hourly weather information and manage available water capacity to shorten irrigation times.
Irrigation controllers that water only when the landscape requires it can save you water and, in turn, money on the water bill. We provide the answers to the irrigation and drainage problems you may encounter. Contact us today at 407-302-2227 for an irrigation system installation, service, maintenance or repair here in Central Florida, Orlando and surrounding communities. Bookmark our blog and website for more news, tips and advice concerning sprinkler irrigation systems and be sure to refer us to friends and family!