useful tipsWelcome to the Hessenauer Sprinkler Repair and Irrigation blog and website. We like to provide our blog readers with news, tips and advice about sprinkler irrigation and drainage. Today we would like to provide our online visitors with some general lawn irrigation tips.

As we head closer to the hot, active, rainy summer months, the focus on a properly functioning irrigation becomes more important. Paying more attention to the aspects of our sprinkler irrigation systems and how much water our lawns and gardens are receiving is more necessary. Review this post where we give a list of general lawn irrigation tips to help our website visitors prepare for warmer temperatures this summer.

Try to avoid daily, light watering. Water in the early morning (4am to 10am). This allows the grass blades to dry, making them less susceptible to foliar diseases. Watering is more efficient in morning due to less evaporation and wind speed. Change the time that your system runs monthly, or at least seasonally.

On days when temperatures are above 90°F, run your sprinklers 5 to 10 minutes per zone in the afternoon to cool the turf and reduce stress. This is called “spritzing,” and it reduces the symptoms of summer patch disease.

Water to the bottom of the roots. Use a small shovel to determine how deep the roots are. Actually the soil should be kept moist to about half an inch deeper than the deepest roots to encourage downward growth. Roots are shallow in summer and deeper in spring and fall.

Create water zones by putting plants together that have similar water needs. Each turf species has a different water requirement which is also distinct from ornamentals. Ornamental plants should be grouped into low, moderate and high water users. Each zone of plants should be irrigated according to its needs.

When watering on a slope, use “delayed starts.” Run your sprinklers until you notice runoff, then stop. Wait 3 hours, then resume. Aerate to increase infiltration.

Observe your sprinkler system once per month. Look for sprinkler heads that do not turn, heads that spray into the street or onto a sidewalk, bent or damaged heads, clogged or worn nozzles, turf growth around heads that impede water delivery, puddling and runoff. Remember that proper drainage is important to avoid these problems, and Hessenauer Sprinkler Repair and Irrigation is here to help in Central Florida, Orlando and surrounding areas.

Adjust sprinkler heads as landscape plants grow larger and begin to block the spray pattern. New installations like benches, decks, etc. can also decrease irrigation efficiency.

Again, thank you for visiting the Hessenauer Sprinkler Repair and Irrigation blog and website for our general residential lawn irrigation tips. We hope you enjoy our news, tips and advice concerning sprinkler irrigation systems. If you are in the Central Florida area and have issues with your sprinkler irrigation system, contact us by phone at 407-302-2227 today! Thanks for stopping by!